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    Wednesday, December 01, 2004

    Lines You Don’t Expect To Hear In A Children’s Play

    “If I keep pushing, I know I can get it in.”

    “If you had brought a shoehorn, Herald, I know I could have made it fit.”

    People! They are talking about the stepsisters trying on the glass slipper! Where are your minds?

    Edited to add: Thanks to greenman for pointing out that it should be trying on the glass slipper, not trying on the glass sister. Of course, I know where his mind usually is.


    Lars said...

    Iowa Theatre guy here too, just came over to your blog from Matt's (Oasis Corn) and I think I'll stick around and come back in the future!


    On the Stage

    greenman said...

    Glass Sister!, dude that was one nasty freudian slip!

    Dweeze said...


    Not going to edit it. Not going to. Nope.

    I'll go change it.