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    Thursday, January 20, 2005

    The Englert - A Digression

    Kris at Random Mentality (see link at right) mentions that the Press Citizen has given some coverage (extremely brief coverage, but coverage) to ICCT’s production of Guys and Dolls. (I am boycotting Guys and Dolls myself, but for personal reasons. You? Should go.) Perusing the online Go section of the PC, I found this article about the Englert. Here’s the key quote:

    "Kottke is the perfect Englert show," said Eric Kerchner, executive director of the historic downtown theater.

    That quote prompted this letter to the editor that I just sent.

    It’s sad, and telling, that Mr. Kershner considers Leo Kottke to be the perfect Englert show. Considering the number of people in the Iowa City area who donated time and money under the assumption that the Englert would be a community performance space, I imagine there are far more people in the area that would consider the perfect Englert show to be one involving any of the area musicians, dancers, actors, singers, and others that the Englert Board promised would be performing at the facility.

    David Pierce
    Past President, Iowa City Community Theatre

    We’ll see if it gets published. This, of course, has prompted me to restart my Englert series, which I had kinda let fall to the wayside.


    greenman said...

    well said right back at you

    State 29 said...

    Kottke is a well-known and respected musician in his genre that people will drive a long ways to see. He fills the place up and brings attention to the Englert to people who wouldn't normally think of attending the theatre. That's why he's the perfect Englert show.

    Where else is Kottke going to play that's as intimate and beautiful? Hoyt Sherman in Des Moines? That's about it.

    "Community arts" is more than just showcasing acts and artists from the region. Sometimes it involves bringing somebody in who a number of us from the area recognize and appreciate.

    Expect some criticism to your letter because anybody who attended the Kottke concert will think it's nothing but petty nit-picking.

    State 29 said...

    Allow me to revise and extend my remarks.

    After a post by Random regarding what's being booked at the Englert and the rates for groups, I'd like to say that the original letter to the editor now *is* a good idea, but only in the context of being sent after some good investigative journalism by somebody at the P-C or the Daily Idiot - or a blogger with a lot of time on their hands.

    The 50 groups cited early on by the Englert brass as possible customers of the stage space ought to be called and asked again how often they would use the space at the rates currently advertised.

    That's assuming most of the 50 groups cited originally indicate that the Englert's rates are too high for their participation.